Dear MVGSA Parents,  We hope that you and your daughter have enjoyed your softball experience so far this season. Following the regular season, the league will enter its competitive All-Star season, which will run from May through August. All interested MVGSA players will be eligible and given full consideration during our All-Star Selection process. MANDATORY All-Star try outs will be on Wednesday, May 1st.  Players need to try out in their full recreational uniform from the current season.  

The All-Star program is a competitive program and completely separate from our recreational program and therefore some clarification is needed. The recreational portion of our season is about instruction, learning the rules of the game, opportunities for every girl to play multiple positions, whereas All-Stars is about developing advanced skills, competing against the top teams and instilling a winning attitude. Some players thrive in this environment, while other players (and their parents) do not.  

When determining the All-Star teams, coaches will be looking for girls who have: 
• Demonstrated above average softball skills this season.
• Improved their abilities by regular attendance at practices and games.
• Consistently projected a positive attitude, commitment, and extra effort.
• Consistently been respectful to adult volunteers, umpires and teammates.
• Been proud to represent Murrieta Valley Girls Softball.  

Please remember MVGSA All-Star teams will comprise the best players from our recreational teams. Your daughter may have been a standout during the regular season; however, now she will be playing with highly skilled players and may not be the best player on the team. During the All-Star season, be prepared to see your daughter learn and play a new position, and she may spend some time on the bench.  

That being said, we feel it is important to set an expectation level for the All-Star season. In order to make the transition from recreational league play to competitive tournament play, please keep the following commitments in mind: 

Players MUST: 
• Attend the Player Uniform Fitting on May 9th @ 7:00 pm at the Antelope Menifee Rural Center. 
• Attend all practices, games, team meetings and gatherings, prepared and on time.
• Understand the possibility of sitting on the bench and accepting whatever role the coach sees for them in the overall strategy of the game.
• Be willing to play positions that are unfamiliar to them.
• Think more about the team than themselves and understand that one player’s success is everyone’s success.
• Uphold the MVGSA name by showing good sportsmanship before, during and after games….win OR lose. 

Players must NOT: 

• Sulk, pout or generally be unhappy about positions or playing time on the team.
• Make negative comments about their teammates or coaches.
• Make negative comments to opposing players, coaches, parents, umpires, or anyone else  attending a game.
• Use foul language. • Use negative or derogatory remarks associated with players, coaches, umpires or board members on social media and/or group chats. 

Parents MUST:
• Attend the Player Uniform Fitting on May 9th @ 7:00 pm at the Antelope Menifee Rural Center.
• Avoid the tunnel vision focus on their own daughter and look instead at the whole team.
• Consider the team’s success as a success for your daughter and a rewarding experience regardless of her role.
• Support the coaching staff regardless of personal feelings.  

Parents must NOT:
• Approach a coach before or during a game to discuss issues relating to their daughter, other than to report an injury or other non-playing issue
• Discuss playing time, positioning, batting order, player statistics or game strategy at any time
• Use negative or derogatory remarks associated with players, coaches, umpires or board members on social media and/or group chats. 

It is essential the above be followed in order to develop a cohesive team and competitive players. It is critical that parents support all players and their coaches and never let the player think that their team cannot win or that the coach cannot coach. A player who has no confidence in her team or her coach cannot learn to win or lose as a team and certainly will not learn from a coach being undermined by a parent. The coach’s job is to teach players how to improve their skills and compete to win in a very competitive tournament environment. This is achieved by setting individual and team goals, teambuilding exercises, and development of a positive and competitive attitude and above all, teaching players that dedication and hard work will yield desired results.  

Selection to a MVGSA All-Star team will be an honor: however, it will also be a tremendous commitment. Players and parents should understand the commitment and be willing to meet the obligation to their team and to the league. If your daughter is selected to a team, here are a few things to remember:
Practices – A very intense practice schedule will begin after the teams have been chosen. Practices will be mandatory and teams may practice every day, including Sundays. Should a player miss 3 practices or games, she may be dropped from the team, with the approval of the executive board. 
Tournaments – Tournaments may run every weekend from the middle of May 2024 until the end of August 2024.  All teams (8U / 10U / 12U / 14U / High School (16U / 18U)) will attend a  USA Softball District with the possibility of advancing to USA Softball State and USA Softball   ALL-STAR EXPECTATIONS 2024 Nationals (10U / 12U / 14U / High School (16U / 18U)) OR USA Softball Regionals (8U)  which will mean your All-Star commitment may run through the end of August 2024.
– The individual player’s family will incur the majority of expenses related to the All-Star experience. While sponsorship and fundraising opportunities do exist to offset the expenses, families should be prepared to spend around $2500 per player.  Typical expenses include:  additional tournament fees, miscellaneous expenses such as travel expenses (i.e. gas, hotels, etc.), and etc.  50% of the REGISTRATION FEE MUST be PAID by Thursday, May 9th to cover the uniform costs OR your daughter’s uniform will NOT be ORDERED.  The balance of your registration fee MUST be PAID prior to uniform pick up on Friday, May 31st or you will NOT receive your daughter’s uniform.  NO EXCEPTIONS.   

If your daughter is selected to a team, you will be notified on Friday, May 3rd.  Should your daughter not be selected to a team, please let her know she did a great job. Complaints about the process, blaming other players or accusations of wrong doing all undermine your daughter’s efforts. 

Finally, MVGSA would like to remind our players and parents that participation in the All-Star privilege that requires a new level of commitment. This is a great opportunity for your program is a daughter to take her game to another level. It is expected that our parents and players act in a way that brings respect and dignity to Murrieta Valley Girls Softball Association. Remember, the MVGSA name is on the front of your daughter’s uniform and your family name is on the back. 

If after reviewing the above information and you have any questions, please feel free to contact the league’s acting
Player Agent
Kennah Lanning

MVGSA 2024 Board of Directors